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Carbon fiber bottle use part of the precautions

Views: 22     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-06-28      Origin: Site

1. The filling, transportation, storage and use of aluminum inner carbon fiber full-wound composite gas cylinders (hereinafter referred to as gas cylinders) shall comply with the "gas cylinder safety supervision regulations"; for positive pressure fire-fighting air breathing apparatus shall comply with GA 124 -2004 "Positive pressure fire breathing apparatus" provisions. The design life of the gas cylinder is 15 years.

2. The filling pressure of the cylinder is prohibited from exceeding the working pressure of the cylinder label (reference temperature 20 °C)

3. Keep the bottle thread and the inside of the cylinder dry, and the bottle valve of the cylinder is strictly prohibited from being contaminated with grease. on

4. It is forbidden to fill or partially fill any gas not indicated on the gas cylinder label.

5. It is forbidden to remove, blur or change the label or logo of the cylinder manufacturer.

6. Do not completely deflate the cylinder (retain 0.1 MPa) unless the valve is removed.

7. It is forbidden to inflate cylinders that exceed the re-inspection cycle. The cylinder inspection period is 3 years. The inspection should be carried out by the inspection unit that has been approved for testing. When the gas cylinder is found to have serious corrosion, damage or doubts about its safety during use, it should be inspected in advance. Cylinders subjected to collision, fire or other damage shall be discontinued and tested in accordance with relevant standards and specifications.

8. It is forbidden to manually heat the gas cylinder.

9. Fiber breakage, damage or obvious scratches are found and should not be filled.

10, it is forbidden to fill the gas cylinder

The main purpose of carbon fiber full-wound gas cylinder: 1, respirator (dive or plateau oxygen, can also be used for medical oxygen). 2, car cylinders (alternative car with ordinary cylinders or replace glass fiber semi-wound cylinders).

The main purpose of carbon fiber full-wound gas cylinder: 1, respirator (dive or plateau oxygen, can also be used for medical oxygen). 2, car cylinders (alternative car with ordinary cylinders or replace glass fiber semi-wound cylinders).




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