Bottled oxygen volume calculation method

Publish Time: 2021-01-25     Origin: Site

When we use bottled oxygen, the oxygen is compressed gas under high pressure. What is the volume of this bottle of oxygen at standard atmospheric pressure?

After measuring the gas pressure in the bottle, it can generally be approximated by the following formula


     V—The volume of gaseous oxygen in the bottle (L)

     V1—Water volume of steel cylinder (L)

     P —The pressure of oxygen in the bottle (MPa)

Example: Suppose the water volume of the oxygen cylinder is 40L, and the oxygen pressure in the bottle at 20°C after filling is 14.7MPa, then according to the above formula:


When the oxygen in the cylinder has been used for a period of time, if you want to estimate the volume of the remaining oxygen in the cylinder, you can use the following formula: V/≈(P/+0.1) V1/0.098

     V/—The volume of remaining oxygen in the bottle (L)

     P/—Indicating pressure of gas cylinder pressure reducer high pressure gauge (MPa)

     V1—The water volume of the cylinder (L)

Example: Suppose the water volume of the oxygen cylinder is 40L, the oxygen pressure in the cylinder after a period of use is 0.8MPa, and the volume of remaining oxygen in the cylinder can be obtained according to the above formula:


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