How to store gas tanks is the safest

Publish Time: 2018-12-14     Origin: Site

1. Explosion-proof drying: In the summer, it is necessary to cover the sunshade to prevent direct sunlight from illuminating the bottle.

2, rainproof: the storage point should be set at a high place, preventing rain and ground area water and causing bottle rust.

3, lightning protection: the storage point should be away from the lightning rod and the lightning protection grounding device of the tall building, should be kept at a distance of more than 10 meters.

4, anti-grease pollution: the storage point should be kept at a distance of more than 10 meters from the storage tank and the barrel.

5, anti-static: storage points should be away from overhead high-voltage lines and underground cables to prevent cables from causing more accidents in the event of a fault.

6, heat source: storage points should be away from the heating pipe, sheet, to prevent heat source radiation.

7. The collapse of the anti-room: the storage point cannot be built near the dangerous room or the temporary house, and it is not allowed to store the compressed gas cylinder in the dangerous room.

8. Anti-fire: The storage point should be kept at a distance of more than 10 meters from the storage point of combustible materials.

9. Anti-corrosion: The storage point of compressed gas cylinder should be away from substances with strong oxidizing and corrosive properties, and fire-fighting equipment should be set at 3-5 meters from the storage point.

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