Following its invasion of neighbouring Ukraine earlier this year, Russia was slammed with a multitude of EU-imposed sanctions that have impacted a range of industries within the country.One such industry is Russia’s carbonated beverage sector, which has been experiencing a shortage of carbon dioxide
Reason 1: The acetylene bottle is equipped with filler and solvent (acetone). When it is used horizontally, acetone is easy to flow out with the acetylene flow, which not only increases the consumption of acetone, but also reduces the combustion temperature and affects the use. At the same time, it
Inert gases are not common in our lives. In addition to neon, inert gases also include helium, argon, krypton, xenon, radon and other gases. They are difficult to carry out chemical reactions at normal temperature and pressure, so they are named "inert". This "lazy" gas, although uncommon, has great
Since the gas cylinder is a pressure vessel, the following precautions must be taken during storage to prevent suffocation, fire, explosion, high pressure and injury caused by mishandling the compressed gas cylinder.The following acts are prohibited 1. The storage temperature exceeds 52℃; 2. S