Carbon dioxide (CO2) capture specialists Climeworks has begun operations at its direct air capture (DAC) and storage plant, Orca, the largest facility of its kind.Capable of capturing 4,000 tonnes of CO2 per year, the inauguration of Orca comes after the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Chart Industries unveiled a new product line for heavy-duty trucks, an onboard liquid hydrogen (HLH2) fuel system, at the ACT Expo in Long Beach, California.Chart’s HLH2 (horizontal liquid hydrogen) fuel system, now available for commercial use, is intended to meet growing market demand for a variet
Compared with oxygen, the chemical properties of nitrogen are very stable, because the two nitrogen atoms that make up the nitrogen molecule form a very stable covalent triple bond. Due to the existence of the nitrogen-nitrogen triple bond, the 3p orbital of the nitrogen atom is completely filled, s
The new Covid-19 wave is putting more pressure on medical oxygen demand supplies in South America, as new virus variants are more infectious and the vaccination efforts progress slowly due to a lack of vaccines in most countries of the region.The industrial gas industry is coming under severe pressu