To help Indonesia fight the Covid-19 pandemic, Swiss Humanitarian Aid, on the 24th ofJuly, sent 600 oxygen concentrators to Jakarta.Since May, Switzerland has ensured delivery of over 15 million Swiss Franc’s (CHF) worth of oxygen concentrators and other medical supplies to other countries.This deli
A new medical facility in East Jakarta, Indonesia called Gotong Royong Oxygen House provides oxygen support for Covid-19 patients with moderate symptoms and was recently inspected by President Joko Widodo.Due for completion in early August of this year, the facility will accommodate around 500 patie
The push comes amid wider industry concerns about the suitability of LNG as an environmentally friendly fuel.MOL plans four 7,000 unit capacity car carriers running on LNG as their main fuel, which will increase its total fleet capacity (including across its consolidated subsidiaries) to 735 vessels
A new hydrogen refueling station has been put into use in China’s Shandong Province for refueling buses and trucks-one of the first hydrogen refueling stations in the province.Industrial gas giant Air Products announced the opening of the station on August 13 to support China's hydrogen entry demons