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  • The inch thread is the size of the thread marked in the inch system. According to the shape, it is divided into two types: cylindrical and conical; according to the tooth angle, it is divided into two types: 55° and 60°. The 1/4, 1/2, and 1/8 marks in the thread refer to the diameter of the thread s


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  • 1. Why can't acetylene cylinders be used up?The gas in the bottle is used up, the pressure inside the bottle is balanced with the atmospheric pressure, and the air is easily mixed into the bottle to form a mixture of acetylene and air. The explosion limit of acetylene is 2.3%-100% (volume fraction).


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  • Foam shell dry powder fire extinguishing devices include square, cylindrical and spherical bodies, light weight, 0.6 ~ 1.2kg, even the elderly and children can easily use, easy to install in any place where fire may occur, such as distribution box, gas Cans, as well as flammable chemicals. When it c


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  • The safe use of oxygen cylinders has already been marked in regulations. Oxygen cylinders are steel bottles loaded with oxygen and can effectively store gases. We should be more careful when using it. We should be careful to keep away from dangerous objects when using it. How can we safely use oxyge


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