In order to better serve our customers, our company's official website of lpg products has been released recently. For more information on lpg and related products, please visit http://www.seficlpg.com Our trademark is SEIFC(Shanghai Eternal Faith Industry Co.,Ltd).We are one of the largest manufact
(1) OxygenThe molecular formula of oxygen is O2. It is a strong oxidant and combustion improver. When high-concentration oxygen encounters oil, it will undergo a strong oxidation reaction, generate high temperature, and even burn and explode. Therefore, it is listed as a Class B fire hazardous subst
Welding Gases, a gas industry term, has been rapidly developed due to its advantages of good welding quality, high efficiency, and easy automation. The welding shielding gas can be a unit gas or a binary or ternary mixture. The purpose of using welding protective gas is to improve the quality of the
Refrigerant is a working substance that is continuously cyclically changed in a refrigeration system to achieve refrigeration, also called a working fluid. The refrigerant is vaporized in the evaporator to absorb the heat of the cold object and is cooled, and the heat is released into the surroundin