EU and WHO deliver 100 oxygen concentrators to Ukraine
Publish Time: 2020-09-17 Origin: Site
A delivery of more than 100 oxygen concentrators, funded by the European Union and procured by the World Health Organisation, have arrived in Ukraine.
The equipment delivery will massively assist the country’s fight against the coronavirus pandemic, enabling more than 44 frontline hospitals help suffering patients.
After necessary administrative steps by authorities, the oxygen concentrators will be distributed by the WHO Country office according to the needs of the healthcare facilities identified by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Ambassador Matti Maasikas, Head of European Union Delegation to Ukraine, said, “The pandemic is not over. The spread of COVID-19 in Ukraine is alarming and requires coordinated action from all.”
“Through the Solidarity for Health Initiative, the EU and the World Health Organisation are providing emergency assistance to respond to critical medical needs.”
“Thanks to our partnership, we were able to purchase and deliver, despite the worldwide shortage, oxygen concentrators which are essential to treat severely ill COVID-19 patients in 44 hospitals across the entire country.”
Oxygen concentrators provide a non-invasive way of providing oxygen to hospitalised patients suffering with the virus. Such supplemental of oxygen is the first essential step for treatment with patients with low blood oxygen levels and should be a primary focus.
By Molly Burgess