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- Precautions for using one-way valvesPay attention to the following items when using the check valve:1) In normal operation, the working pressure of the check valve is lower than the rated working pressure of the check valve; the flow through the check valve should be within the rated flow range allowed by the diameter, and no large prIndustry knowledge December 27, 2018
- Cylinder color mark standard1 acetylene white acetylene can not be near fire red2 hydrogen H2 light green hydrogen red red P=20, light yellow single ringP=30, light yellow double ring3 Oxygen O2 Light (酞) Blue Oxygen Black P=20, white single ring4 nitrogen N2 black nitrogen yellowish P=30, white double ring5 air black air whitIndustry knowledge December 21, 2018
- How to store gas tanks is the safest1. Explosion-proof drying: In the summer, it is necessary to cover the sunshade to prevent direct sunlight from illuminating the bottle.2, rainproof: the storage point should be set at a high place, preventing rain and ground area water and causing bottle rust.3, lightning protection: the storage poIndustry knowledge December 14, 2018
- Common cylinder color mark standardNo. Filling gas name Chemical type Bottle color Typeface Color circle1 acetylene white acetylene can not be near fire red2 hydrogen H2 light green hydrogen red red P=20, light yellow single ringP=30, light yellow double ring3 Oxygen O2 Light (酞) Blue Oxygen Black P=20, white single ring4 nitrogen N2Industry knowledge October 19, 2018
- Various gases in the airThe nitrogen content in the air is the most, and nitrogen is mainly used for ammonia synthesis, and is also an important raw material for synthetic fibers, synthetic resins, and synthetic rubber. Nitrogen can be used as a preservative, refrigerant, and can also be used to make fertilizers.Followed bInformation and drawings September 21, 2018
- Oxygen cylinder use and precautions1. The gas in the oxygen cylinder cannot be completely used up, and the residual pressure of not less than 0.05MP should be retained.2. The distance between the oxygen cylinder and the open flame should be no less than 10 meters, should not be close to the heat source, and should not be exposed to sInformation and drawings September 12, 2018
- Helium characteristicsHelium has the following characteristics:1. The content of radon in the air is extremely small, accounting for only about one in 200,000, which is easy to find;2. The ruthenium molecule is small, light in weight, easy to diffuse, and easy to pass through the leak hole than other gases;3. The cesiumIndustry knowledge August 23, 2018
- Gas cylinders and functionsThe main load of the gas cylinder is internal gas pressure, wind load and earthquake action. The wind vibration coefficient should be considered in wind loads. The wind load shape coefficient of the high pressure spherical tank can generally be 0.30 to 0.35. The horizontal seismic action of the wetIndustry knowledge August 16, 2018
- Understanding of acetylene gasEthylene is a colorless anesthetic gas having a characteristic sweet smell of hydrocarbons at normal temperature and pressure. It is chemically active and forms an explosive mixture with air. It is extremely flammable and explosive. It can be combined with chlorine gas under the sun to cause an explIndustry knowledge August 08, 2018
- Gas propertiesTemperature: macroscopically, the degree of heat and cold of an object; microscopically, a sign of the intensity of the irregular movement of molecules inside the object.The relationship between thermodynamic temperature and Celsius temperature: T = t + 273 {T: thermodynamic temperature (K), t: CelsIndustry knowledge July 25, 2018